Start Your Own Tea Herb Garden With Chamomile

Popular Jasmine Pearl tea is grown and processed in China, often at quite high altitudes. Fujian Province, for example, is one area that is famous for its tea growing areas. Jasmine Pearl can be made with either green or white tea leaves, with that made from white leaves naturally being quite a bit more expensive and less readily available than that made with a green base.

The quality that makes this beverage very unique blooming tea balls is that the leaves, once harvested and processed, are rolled into tiny tear shaped balls, which is why this tea is also referred to as “Buddha’s Tears”. The leaves are usually harvested before the jasmine flowers are in full bloom and is left to sit for some time before the final processing takes place. Once the jasmine flowers are in bloom, the petals are hand-picked and then placed amongst the small, rolled tea balls. It is not uncommon to have these balls scented up to six times with fresh jasmine before the entire process is considered final.

This process, of blending tea with scented flowers, is a very natural way to enhance and slightly change the flavour. Tea can easily absorb flavors and scents which is why it is usually recommended to store it in air tight containers or packages and to keep it separate from other strong smelling food items. In this instance, however, this characteristic is used to make a delightfully fresh smelling tea. Jasmine Pearl, when packaged, has a very definite jasmine scent-or at least it should have if it is high quality.

The jasmine flavour and scent is also very noticeable once the tea is made. You should be able to instantly smell a faint jasmine aroma. I would recommend brewing the tea in a glass teapot, that way you will be able to see the tiny tea balls unfurl, a truly fascinating process. The leaves can be reused again for two or three infusions. Once made, the tea should be a mellow yellowish green color and the taste of the tea itself should also be mellow and not too stringent.

It is well known that green tea has many health benefits. Jasmine also has been used to help sooth nerves and lessen depression and anxiety. Some women have also found it helpful in relieving some of the symptoms of menopause. When drinking Jasmine Pearl green tea your body benefits from both the effects of green tea and the soothing properties of Jasmine. It can also be a great choice for people who want the benefits from drinking green tea but are perhaps not so enthralled with the more stringent or green taste of tea. Jasmine masks and mellows the green tea, making it a more palatable drink for some.


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